RELEXA Community Guidelines

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These Community Guidelines govern your use of RELEXA’s Services and are incorporated into RELEXA’s Terms of Service. If there is any conflict between these Guidelines and the Terms of Service, the Terms of Service will prevail. The capitalized terms used in these Guidelines are defined in the Terms of Service. If you violate these Guidelines, we may take action against you or your Account, including immediate termination.

1. Follow the Law, RELEXA’s Terms of Service, Platform’s Terms of Service and These Guidelines

You agree you will not, under any circumstances:

  1. Use the Services, intentionally or unintentionally, in violation or breach of any applicable law or regulation, or in a way that may put RELEXA in violation or breach of any applicable law or regulation, or in a way that promotes the violation or breach of any applicable law or regulation.
  2. Engage in any act that RELEXA deems in its sole discretion to be in conflict with the spirit or intent of the Services, including without limitation circumventing or manipulating the Terms of Service, these Community Guidelines, other Feature Terms, game Guidelines, game mechanics, or other RELEXA policies.

You agree that you will:

  1. Abide by all terms and conditions of any third-party platform provider through which you access and/or use the RELEXA Services, such as Apple, Google, or Facebook (each a “Platform”), including without limitation all terms that apply to any payment you make through any Platform. In the event of any conflict between these Guidelines and the applicable Platform’s terms, the applicable Platform’s terms prevail.

2. Account Creation and Use

The following Guidelines govern the creation and use of your Account:

  1. You must not have more than one Account, per Platform, at any given time; create an Account using a false identity or information; or create an Account on behalf of someone other than yourself.
  2. You must not sublicense, rent, lease, sell, trade, gift, bequeath, or otherwise transfer your Account or any Virtual Items associated with your Account to anyone without RELEXA’s written permission. Any such transfer or attempted transfer is prohibited and void.
  3. You must not access or use an Account or Virtual Items that have been sublicensed, rented, leased, sold, traded, gifted, bequeathed, or otherwise transferred from the original Account creator without RELEXA’s written permission.

3. Improper Use of Others’ Personal Information

You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:

  1. Try to unlawfully obtain login information or access Accounts belonging to any other player.
  2. Seek to collect, misuse, or disseminate any other user’s content or non-public personal information.
  3. Upload or transmit, or attempt to upload or transmit, without RELEXA’s express written permission, any material that acts as a passive or active information collection or transmission mechanism, including without limitation clear graphics interchange formats (“gifs”), 1×1 pixels, web bugs, cookies, or other similar devices or technologies (sometimes referred to as “spyware,” “passive collection mechanisms” or “pcms,” or “malware”).

4. Offensive or Infringing Content

You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:

  1. Post content or a link to content that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory, or libelous; is racially, sexually, religiously, or otherwise objectionable or offensive; promotes or incites violence; or violates any applicable law or regulation.
  2. Post content or a link to content that contains nudity, excessive violence, or offensive subject matter.
  3. Post content or a link to content that infringes or violates someone else’s intellectual property or other proprietary rights, or that discloses or aids in the disclosure of someone else’s confidential information.
  4. Post content or a link to content containing malicious content, including without limitation viruses, malware, or spyware.
  5. Harass, abuse, or harm, or advocate or incite harassment, abuse, or harm of another person or group, including without limitation RELEXA’s employees and customer service representatives.
  6. Impersonate any other person, including without limitation a RELEXA employee.

5. Commercial Activity

You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:

  1. Use the Services for any unauthorized commercial purpose, including but not limited to (1) communicating a commercial advertisement or facilitating a commercial transaction, including without limitation spamming other players; (2) offering or soliciting Accounts or Virtual Items for sale or transfer; or (3) soliciting donations or contributions to any personal or charitable cause.
  2. Use the Services for performing in-game services, such as power-leveling and item-collection services, in exchange for payment outside the Services.

6. Unauthorized Use of or Connection to the Services

You agree that you will not, under any circumstances:

  1. Design, use, distribute, or sell cheats, exploits, automation software, bots, hacks, mods, or any unauthorized third-party or other software designed to modify or interfere with the Services or any RELEXA game experience.
  2. Institute, execute, assist, encourage, or become involved in any type of attack on the Services, including without limitation distribution of malware, making a denial-of-service attack, or any other attempt to disrupt the Services or any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Services.
  3. Try to gain unauthorized access to the Services, Accounts registered to others, or to any computer or server used to offer or support the Services or any RELEXA game environment or network connected to the Services by any means other than the user interface provided by RELEXA, including without limitation by circumventing or modifying or causing to be modified, attempting to circumvent or modify, or encouraging or assisting any other person to circumvent or modify, any security, technology, device, file, or software that is part of the Services.
  4. Use, facilitate, create, or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Services, including without limitation (1) any connection to any unauthorized server that emulates, or attempts to emulate any part of the Services; or (2) any connection using programs, tools, or software not expressly approved by RELEXA.
  5. Use any unauthorized third-party or other software that accesses, intercepts, “mines,” or otherwise collects information from or through the Services or that is in transit from or to the Services, including without limitation any software that reads areas of RAM or streams of network traffic used by the Services to store information about RELEXA game characters, elements, or environments. RELEXA may, at its sole and absolute discretion, allow the use of certain third-party user interfaces.
  6. Intercept, examine, or otherwise observe any proprietary communications protocol used by a client, a server, or the Services, whether through the use of a network analyzer, packet sniffer, or any other tools.
  7. Make any automated use of the Services or take any action that imposes or may impose (in our sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure.
  8. Bypass any robot exclusion headers or other measures we employ to restrict access to the Services or use any software, technology, or device to send content or messages, scrape, spider, or crawl the Services, or harvest or manipulate data.
  9. Interfere or try to interfere with the proper functioning of the Services, or connect to or use the Services in any way not expressly permitted by the Terms of Service, Feature Terms, or these Guidelines, including without limitation disrupting, overburdening, or assisting in the disruption or overburdening of the Services.
  10. Make improper use of RELEXA’s customer support services, including by submitting false abuse reports or using profane or abusive language in communications with our support personnel.
  11. Except where permitted by law or relevant open source licenses, modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher, or otherwise try to derive the source code from us, or to obtain any information from the Services using any method not expressly permitted by RELEXA.
  12. Copy, modify, or distribute content from any RELEXA game, site, or Service or content protected by RELEXA’s copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights, or use any method to copy or distribute any content in the Services except with RELEXA’s written permission.
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